Alterations that can cause pain and dysfunction in the joint and in the muscles that control the movement of the jaw. Face injuries that may include the facial bones Potentially serious sleep disorder in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts. Wisdom Tooth, extractions and more Replacement of missing teeth through the surgical placement of an implant. Appointments to rate cases Orthognathic surgery is a surgical procedure that focuses mainly on achieving the correct function of the maxillo-mandibular complex.Maxillofacial Surgery in Puerto Vallarta
Wide range of
ServicesTMJ Disorders
Facial Trauma
Sleep Apnea
Oral Surgery
Dental implantology
Orthognathic surgery
Dr. Sigifredo López
Always call the expert
Book an appointment: 322 105 4607
Emergency calls: 33 1600 1756
Av los tules 116, Colonia Díaz Ordaz, Puerto Vallarta Jalisco.
Local 28Hospital CMQ Bahía de Banderas
Av los tules 116, Colonia Díaz Ordaz, Puerto Vallarta Jalisco.
Local 28Hospital CMQ Bahía de Banderas