
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon

Dr. Sigifredo López Ochoa

Dr. Sigifredo López Ochoa is a specialist in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in Puerto Vallarta and Riviera Nayarit with experience in dental implantology, oral surgery, facial trauma, orthognathic surgery, temporomandibular joint disorders and sleep apnea.

He is certified by the Mexican Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Dr. Sigifredo López Ochoa has the title of dental surgeon from the University of Guadalajara LAMAR and made his specialty in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the Civil Hospital of Guadalajara, Juan I. Menchaca.

Dr Sigifredo López

What is

Maxillofacial surgery?

Maxillofacial surgery is the medical-surgical specialty that focuses on the study, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of congenital or acquired diseases of the oral cavity, facial skeleton and related cervical structures. The maxillofacial surgeon has extensive knowledge in oral and maxillofacial surgery that allows him to perform complicated extractions, bone grafts and dental implants, among many other treatments.

Dr Sigifredo’s studies

Studies to givethe best service

Education: Bachelor of General Dentistry, Universidad de Guadalajara LAMAR (2009-2013)

Specialty: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the New Civil Hospital of Guadalajara, Juan I. Menchaca (2015-2019)

Fellowship: Temporomandibular Joint Surgery, Ninths People Hospital, Shanghai, China (2018)


Trastornos en la ATM

Alteraciones que pueden provocar dolor y disfunción en la articulación y en los músculos que controlan el movimiento de la mandíbula.

Trauma Facial

Lesión en la cara que puede incluir los huesos faciales

Apnea del Sueño

Trastorno del sueño potencialmente grave en el que la respiración se detiene y vuelve a comenzar repetidamente.

Cirugía Oral

Terceros molares, extracciones y más

Implantología Dental

Reemplazo de dientes perdidos mediante la colocación quirúrgica de un implante.


Consultas para valoración

Cirugía Ortognática

La cirugía ortognática es un procedimiento quirúrgico que se centra principalmente en lograr la correcta función del complejo maxilo-mandibular

About Dr. Sigifredo

Dr. Sigifredo Lopez is a specialist in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in Puerto Vallarta and Riviera Nayarit with experience in 3D planning, dental implantology, oral dental surgery, oral and facial surgery, orthognathic surgery, and sleep apnea.

Copyright 2023 Dr Sigifredo López

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